I haven't posted for quite some time... I just can't type my thoughts into words hahaha
June was a quiet month at work. From the back to back trainings last month, I thank God for the rest hehehe... I had my own training (which was long overdue). It was good and I learned a lot. Hoping to able to use it with my trainings this coming months.
My mojo was so high and was able to scrap
9 LOs. I'm Happy with the results. My usual white space and flowers and buttons. What's new is that I've been doing handcutting & tearing in most of my LOs! unsual for me and really tested my patience hahaha
Gym? nah....I've been trying and planning to go but nope...I was not able to do so... As my friend says...It takes diligence, determination & patience! Looking forward to the gym this month though. With 2 of my colleagues joining, it should be fun :D
Harry Potter is showing on the 16th! I guess everybody has booked their tickets early coz when Sister S tried booking, no more good seats left! My friend is trying to book from a different cinema...we'll see if she's be able to get good seats hehehe
I'm experiencing a new feeling...It's really good! I hope it last though hahaha... I use to feel like a zombie. For the first time in a veeeerrry long time, I'm not sleepy! hahaha...well thats thanks to my veeeeryyy long sleep yesterday. Some people might think that it's too much to the point of laziness? *LOL* but I think it's what my body needed. Today I woke up feeling refreshed, I did not sleep on my way to work and I don't feel sleepy at all. Wow! It's really a good feeling :-)
Well I'm going to put this good feeling into use and go back to work hahaha...